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Classes are held 

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-1:30



Take a Virtual Tour

Christian Character 

Every morning begins with our Christian Character seminar. Some of the themes discussed include: respect, honesty, work-ethic, fellowship and others. These topics will remain non-denominational and be covered through the use of scripture. 


English Language Arts

The majority of the day will be spent in this section. It will include: spelling, reading, writing, phonics and grammar. 
Curriculum used will be Abeka & BJU along with other supplements. 


Lunch & Fellowship 

As a homeschool hybrid, we understand how important it is for your kids to have the opportunity to build friendships. We encourage our students to get to know each other in and outside of school. We also provide opportunities for siblings to interact and for older students to teach the younger ones. 


Math will be taught at school and reinforced at home.  Curriculum is BJU.


Specials for 2024-2025

Each year our electives will change based on the talents and interests of our teachers. 


This year students will have:

science based art

creative writing



google classroom 

Playing in the Garden

At Home 

The beauty of homeschooling is you get to curate YOUR child’s learning. Here are some ideas for supplemental education. 

PE: sports, gymnastics, swimming, or hiking. 
Music: playing a musical instrument, studying music history, choir.
Hand-working: gardening, crocheting, cooking, baking, diy-ing, etc. 
Literature: book clubs, weekly library, or subscription to Literati.
Science: through curriculum or monthly science kits and museums. 

Core: We require 2 days a week of working with your child on ELA and Math covered in class. If your child is “advanced” you may go through it quickly, if your child needs extra practice, feel free to use the extra day to add that in! The one-on-one goes a long way! If you have any questions regarding the core day curriculum/homework, please contact your child’s teacher. 

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